Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dreaming Of an Expat Life

I’ve always wondered if there were women out there who wanted to travel as much as I did. Let me tell you – There have been nights where I’ve laid awake wanting to be anywhere in the world but where I was. And not because I wasn’t happy; no, no, dear but because I felt there was so much more to experience, to do, to taste, to love and to be a part of. That’s really the rhyme of it all.

So as of September 1st 2011 I set myself a goal which was to prepare for the first of a summer long journey (five months) in the UK and then the start of my Graduate career the following year. Now I know many of you have packed up and simply just saw where that took you but I need a bit more time, a bit more planning and visa to make this all happen. As for the blog – I’ll be featuring my pre departure rants, raves, thoughts etc… and my experience while I’m over there.

I know my friends are concerned “Will you have health care?” “What will you do for money?” “How long will you be gone?” etc… but my main concern… the concern that keeps me up at night, the one thing that could cause a sista to stay inside and never see the light of day ever:


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